EH&E Prepares Healthcare Providers for Surge in Covid-19 Patients

Experts offer insights to keep frontliners and patients safe
EH&E, a national leader on creating healthy buildings and ensuring worker health and safety, has helped the country’s most recognized pharmacy chain and numerous hospital groups set up drive-through COVID-19 test sites and transform hospital spaces to accommodate the rising tide of COVID-19 patients.
Workers and first responders on the front line have the greatest exposure to people infected with COVID-19. Their risk of exposure soars when they are not properly trained on how to correctly fit, use, store, and dispose of personal protective equipment. EH&E delivered training and guidance that was crucial to setting up the retail pharmacy’s testing sites for frontline personnel in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. By working together on expanding much-needed testing at speed and at scale, both companies bolstered protection for frontliners and first responders, who work tirelessly to save lives, and the communities they serve.
For some of the country’s largest hospitals in New England, New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, and Washington state, among others, EH&E also performed risk analyses and implemented risk management programs designed to stem viral transmission. These programs have helped Chief Medical Officers control staff and patient infection with limited resources and often conflicting information.
“Misinformation and misunderstanding are real dangers that put lives at risk and enable COVID-19 to quickly spread,” said John McCarthy, President of EH&E. “Our interdisciplinary team understands the science around COVID-19 from multiple disciplines and can help testing sites, hospitals, and businesses maximize safety and minimize the risk of exposure.”
Three weeks after the President asked the country’s biggest companies to help tackle the coronavirus outbreak, companies large and small have joined forces to meet the unprecedented public health emergency. Headquartered in Newton, MA, EH&E continues to help a growing number of industry giants and other organizations cope with the current surge, as well as prepare for the second wave of COVID-19 patients expected to flood emergency rooms later this year.
About EH&E
For over 30 years, our business has been helping organizations deliver safe work environments and healthy buildings. Our team of occupational health and medical professionals, biosafety specialists, industrial hygienists, and engineers apply their expertise in a variety of ways to help organizations through times of crisis.