MHFPS hosted Webinar 10/28/21: EH&E Presents Healthcare Facility Management and Climate Change

Healthcare Facility Management and Climate Change: The rapidly changing regulatory landscape and how best to prepare

Hosted by the Massachusetts Healthcare Facilities Professionals Society
October 28, 2021, 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

Confronting climate change is a crucial issue for hospitals, with mounting pressure from legislative and regulatory arenas and opportunities to enhance community engagement and leadership. Efforts to manage your hospital’s carbon footprint to meet developing internal and external targets must begin with strategic planning and an accurate benchmark of your facilities’ greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions and energy use.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn how to effectively and accurately benchmark your facilities.
  • Learn which key parameters can be adjusted to comply with applicable active and pending regulations.
  • Hear the findings of a recent, in-depth analysis of energy use data for Metro Boston healthcare facilities to get valuable insight into peer organizations and how they have achieved an 18% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over 9 years despite growth in gross floor area.

Learn more and register


David MacIntosh, Sc.D., C.I.H., DABT
Chief Science Officer/ Director of Advanced Analytics
Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.

Andrew Machado, P.E., CEM
Senior Engineer
Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.

Julianne Brooks, M.P.H.
Data Analyst
Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.

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