Signature Healthcare and EH&E to Present Educational Webinar for APIC New England

Sink Drain Disinfection to Eliminate Carbapenem Resistant Enterbacterales (CRE) Klebsiella Organisms – Patient Infection Cluster Investigation and Risk Mitigation
Stacy Ryan, RN, MSN, CIC
Director of Infection Prevention and Control
Signature Healthcare
Bryan Connors, MS, CIH, HEM
Managing Principal Consultant, Healthcare
Environmental Health & Engineering
This presentation will outline the steps of a case study of the successful containment of a cluster of CRE Klebsiella infections from sink drains in a Critical Care Unit:
- The source of infections (biofilms containing CRE organisms in the plumbing fixtures) and how it was identified.
- Benchmarking contamination of sink drains by environmental sampling.
- Mitigation practices.
- Environmental sampling for verification of effectiveness.
- Point prevalence study to assure infections abated after the mitigation strategies were put in place.
APIC New England Webinar
March 22, 2023
12:00 PM ET
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