
Bryan Connors to present Practical Approaches to Adopting AAMI ST-108, APIC New England webinar

Practical Approaches to Incorporate the New AAMI ST-108 Standard for Medical Device Reprocessing Recommendations into Your Hospital’s Water Management Plan

Bryan Connors, MS, CIH, HEM
Managing Principal Consultant, Healthcare


  • The logic, major considerations, and recommendations set forth by AAMI standards to achieve the quality of water used in medical device reprocessing.
  • Utility water versus critical water. The level of treatment and monitoring requirements for each, as well as the primary uses of each across various stages of medical device reprocessing.
  • Infrastructure requirements for converting utility water to critical water.
  • How to incorporate the recommendations into your hospital’s existing water management plan.
  • Full versus partial adoption. Examine two hospital case studies with very different approaches to adoption in non-centralized reprocessing facilities.

APIC New England Webinar

November 15, 2023
1:00 PM ET
Learn more and register

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