
Bryan Connors published in Facilities Management Journal – Mitigating Legionella

Mitigating Legionella

Bryan Connors, MS, CIH, HEM
Managing Principal Consultant, Healthcare

When faced with a possible infection risk from Legionella colonization within a hospital water system, many health care systems take broad, buildingwide actions to stop the risk before it spreads, and they will continue to repeat those same actions without understanding the root cause.

Common recommendations are to periodically add chlorine disinfectant (either low-level or a “shock” chlorination) to a water system or install a secondary treatment system. However, these solutions are not always necessary, can be expensive to implement and disruptive to critical operations. What’s more, these broad actions are not always effective in mitigating the risk.

Read the full article in Facilities Management Journal.

Original article published in the October Issue of Health Facilities Management.

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