Building Commissioning for Lower Energy, Operation, and Maintenance Costs

EH&E is your partner for planning, improving, and problem-solving building operations issues.

Is Your Building Operating at Peak Performance?

EH&E’s building commissioning team assesses building automation, controls, and other systems to ensure you’re operating at your best. Our services for new and existing buildings deliver the best balance of:

  • Healthy, comfortable, and safe environments.
  • Energy reductions and operational cost savings.
  • Long-term sustainable operations.

Our expertise in building forensics, engineering, and construction and experience in checking indoor air quality enables us to make recommendations that help clients right-size energy usage, navigate potential trade-offs, and leave buildings working better and more capable of supporting emissions reduction objectives.

EH&E’s Building Commissioning Services
New building commissioning:

Our building system review and validation process prevents costly schedule and occupancy delays and ensures facilities perform as intended from day one.

Recommissioning for existing buildings:

Solve common building issues with a complete picture of your facility’s true performance. We fine-tune building control systems without disrupting staff or sensitive operations.

Design review:

Avoid design deficiencies and prevent common HVAC system problems that can result in indoor air quality problems and degraded system performance.

Forensic Engineering:

No matter how complex your environment is, our team can identify the causes behind built environment problems and advise on construction remedies.

Ventilation Gap Assessment:

Let our commissioning engineers and environmental health specialists ensure your HVAC control systems deliver the right balance of ventilation and filtration to achieve a healthy indoor environment.

Commissioning for Optimal Performance, infection Prevention, and Resiliency:

Tailor recommissioning to achieve specific operational goals and desired level of flexibility on a timeline that works for you.

Energy Optimization:

We right-size energy usage and navigate potential trade-offs to leave buildings working better and more capable of supporting emission reduction objectives.

EH&E earns spot on BBJ List of Largest Engineering Firms!

The BBJ published its List of Largest Engineering firms in Massachusetts. Rankings are based on 2023 engineering billings in Massachusetts. EH&E captured the 30th spot. We are a 100% employee-owned firm and it is gratifying to see our name in company with global firms, a strong showing and testament to the passion and commitment our team brings to their work.